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Effect of Planets in Life | Astrology


Astrology is a fascinating field that explores the influence of celestial bodies, including planets, on human lives. The planets in our solar system hold significant symbolism and are believed to impact various aspects of our existence. Understanding the effects of planets can provide valuable insights into personality traits, relationships, career, health, and more.

Effects of Planets on Different Areas of Life

1. Personal Traits and Behavior

The positioning of planets at the time of your birth is said to shape your personality traits and behavior. Each planet represents different qualities and energies, such as Mars symbolizing ambition and assertiveness, Venus representing love and harmony, and Saturn signifying discipline and responsibility.

2. Relationships and Compatibility

Planets also play a crucial role in determining relationship dynamics and compatibility. The alignment of planets in your birth chart can reveal insights into your romantic partnerships, friendships, and family relationships. For example, Venus influences love and harmony, while Mars affects passion and assertiveness in relationships.

3. Career and Success

The influence of planets extends to career and professional pursuits. The positioning of planets in your birth chart can indicate your strengths, potential career paths, and areas of success. For instance, Jupiter is associated with expansion and abundance, making it influential in matters of career growth and opportunities.

4. Health and Well-being

Astrology also considers the impact of planets on health and well-being. Certain planets are associated with specific areas of the body and can indicate potential health issues or strengths. Understanding planetary influences can help in adopting preventive measures and maintaining overall well-being.

5. Timing and Life Events

Planetary movements and transits are believed to influence significant life events and timing. For example, the position of Saturn during specific periods is associated with major life transitions and lessons. By observing planetary transits, astrologers can provide insights into favorable or challenging periods for various endeavors.

Consulting an Astrologer

Interpreting the effects of planets requires knowledge and expertise in astrology. Consulting a professional astrologer can provide deeper insights into your birth chart and the influences of planets in your life. An astrologer can help you navigate challenges, understand your strengths, and make informed decisions.


How to Choose Your Devotional God: Ishta Devata


How to Choose Your Devotional God: Ishta Devata

Choosing a devotional god, also known as an Ishta Devata, is a deeply personal and spiritual decision. It is an important step on the path of devotion and connecting with the divine. This article will guide you through the process of selecting your Ishta Devata, considering various factors and practices.

Understanding Ishta Devata

Ishta Devata refers to the personal deity that one feels a strong connection and affinity towards. It is the form of the divine that resonates deeply with an individual’s beliefs, values, and spiritual aspirations. The Ishta Devata is considered as a guiding force, providing support, inspiration, and spiritual growth.

Self-Reflection and Inner Guidance

The journey of choosing an Ishta Devata begins with self-reflection and inner guidance. Take time to introspect on your spiritual inclinations, beliefs, and experiences. Ask yourself questions like:

  • What aspects of the divine do I resonate with the most?
  • Which qualities and virtues do I seek to cultivate in my spiritual journey?
  • Have I had any profound spiritual experiences or connections with a particular deity?

Listen to your intuition and inner guidance as you explore these questions. Your heart will often lead you towards the right path.

Research and Study

Once you have a general idea of the qualities and aspects of the divine that appeal to you, embark on a journey of research and study. Explore different mythologies, religious texts, and spiritual traditions that resonate with your interests.

Learn about the stories, characteristics, and symbolism associated with various gods and goddesses. Dive into their teachings, virtues, and the wisdom they represent. This exploration will provide you with a deeper understanding of different deities and help you make an informed decision.

Seeking Guidance from Spiritual Teachers and Elders

Consulting spiritual teachers, gurus, and elders can be immensely helpful in the process of choosing an Ishta Devata. They possess wisdom, knowledge, and experience that can provide valuable insights and guidance.

Discuss your spiritual journey and aspirations with them, and seek their recommendations based on your inclinations and experiences. Their guidance can shed light on different deities and their relevance to your path.

Connecting through Prayer and Meditation

As you progress in your search for an Ishta Devata, engage in prayer and meditation to establish a deeper connection with the divine. Set aside dedicated time for contemplation, seeking divine guidance, and expressing your intentions.

During your spiritual practices, observe the signs, synchronicities, and feelings that arise. Pay attention to any recurring images, dreams, or visions that may provide insights into your Ishta Devata.

Following Your Heart

Ultimately, choosing your Ishta Devata is a matter of the heart. Trust your instincts and follow the path that resonates deeply with your soul. It may take time and exploration, but rest assured that the divine will guide you towards the deity that is meant for you.

Remember that your choice of Ishta Devata can evolve over time as your spiritual journey unfolds. Stay open to new experiences and continue to deepen your connection with the divine.


Choosing your devotional god, your Ishta Devata, is a

personal and transformative journey. It requires self-reflection, research, guidance, and an open heart. Embrace the process with patience and trust, knowing that the divine will guide you to the deity that will nourish your soul and support your spiritual growth.

Start your journey of devotion today and experience the profound connection with your chosen Ishta Devata.